You’ve made it through the fall semester, a cold winter, and spring mid-terms: now it’s time to take a well-earned break! You’ve booked your hotel, bought your new swimsuit, and you’re ready to let...
There is an endless number of routes one can drive to see our beautiful country, so why not try a fun twist and organize your trip around a theme? Whether you and your family are interested in sports...
It's always a good time for a Great American Road Trip around our beloved Midwest. We've compiled seven TripTik® routings you can share with friends and family to take in the sights around the...
The vehicle you drive just might make or break your road trip so you think: can you rent a car for a road trip? Consider these important factors the next time you’re planning a family road trip.
Don't let your car sit idle for long. Take a driving trip around the Twin Cities! We've compiled 10 TripTik® routings you can share with friends and family to take in the local sights around...
For parents of teenagers, a road trip can be a great way to help novice drivers practice their driving skills. Next time you travel with your family, use the opportunity to help your new drivers...